How to Develop Successful Business | ScaleX™ Insider

It was a great pleasure to join ScaleX™ Insider podcast hosted by Brendan McGurgan, where we discussed how to develop successful business partnerships.

We talked about a range of topics including, why SMEs need a long term view for successful partnerships, the three mindsets you need to partner with large businesses, what defines a successful entrepreneurial mindset, the UN Sustainable Development Goals and why you need to know about, the one thing that defines the success of partnerships, how to manage the power dynamic in partnerships, the value that SMEs provide in partnerships with large companies, why SMEs need to partner with big companies to scale and so much more…

At the end of the conversation, I shared “three timeless takeaways”: be entrepreneurial, be collaborative and be globally minded, which can be applied both in business and in life.

You can also access the podcast on Apple Podcasts.


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